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Sunday, November 28, 2010

The Toronto Star's Catherine Porter in Haiti: Cholera’s knockout punch to Haiti

"Most [Haitians]... are water-dispossessed. Their huts have no taps. They beg or buy their water from private tankers or kiosks that aren’t regulated by the government, or they take their chances and drink from pipes emerging from the ancient underground water system. ...

"The tragedy of death from cholera is that it is so easy to treat. No chemotherapy or blood transfusions, just some sugar and salt and clean water. Even severe cases require only IV fluid with potassium mixed in and one round of antibiotics.

"'We have 50,000 cases a year in Bangladesh and nobody dies,' says Dr. David Sack, an international health professor at Johns Hopkins University who ran the International Centre for Diarrhoeal Research in Dhaka until 2007. 'Seventy-five per cent of the people arrive at the doors with no pulse or blood pressure. We have them going home within one to two days.'"

Full article: Cholera’s knockout punch to Haiti

Why isn't the world doing more to help???

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