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Sunday, July 24, 2011

"Miracle grain": alpiste (in

"Alpiste is a plant of the family of grasses, herbaceous. It is native to the Mediterranean, but is grown commercially in various parts of the world to use the seed in the diet of pet birds. ...

"The enzymes provided by alpiste have immense power to disinflame our organs, particularly the liver, kidneys and pancreas, which makes alpiste a huge pancreatic regenerator, i.e. with diabetes just a few weeks also eliminates cirrhosis by increasing the count of hepatocytes in the liver and by the way, of course, which disinflames, reloading kidney enzyme, promoting a healthy diuresis to remove excess fluid in the body, so alpiste is a tireless fighter against hypertension ... alpiste is a marvel, because it contains the enzyme lipase which removes body fat quickly..." (apologies for the over-the-top style...!)

Full article in Spanish on the benefits of alpiste (phalaris canariensis), also known as "canary seed": ALPISTE Y SUS BENEFICIOS.

Here is another web page: Iron Rye.

Another grain which should be attracting more attention as our climate changes is teff. "Eragrostis tef has an attractive nutrition profile, being high in dietary fiber and iron and providing protein and calcium... [It] is adapted to environments ranging from drought stress to waterlogged soil conditions..." (Wikipedia)

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