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Monday, November 11, 2013

Christopher Hume: Climate change vs. Rob Ford and Stephen Harper (in The Toronto Star)

"Toronto Mayor Rob Ford isn’t this country’s only global embarrassment; Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s appalling record on the environment and contempt for international diplomacy has also shamed Canada around the world.

"Harper’s ... abject servitude to business, especially the oil industry, knows no bounds....

"The meltdown happening in Canada’s leadership is much more immediately gripping than that unfolding in the Far North. It has a beginning, a middle and at some point, an end. Besides, it makes for better TV.

"And though these dual disasters leave Canadians feeling frustrated and impotent, we are responsible for both. The difference is that one will go away; the other will be around forever."

Climate change vs. Rob Ford and Stephen Harper (in The Toronto Star)